OS Windows 8.1

Office 365 Personal, OneDrive – 1 TB úložiště v cloudu
3G připojení
CPU: Intel® Atom™ Z3735G Quad Core 1,83 GHz
GPU: Intel HD Graphics
8” IPS displej, 1280x800 px
1 GB RAM paměť
16 GB vnitřní paměť
Bluetooth, HSPA+
Baterie: 3800 mAh Li -Polymer
2 MP zadní kamera
2 MP přední kamera


For charging, please use the original charger inside the product's package. The charging is done through the micro-usb jack with the help of the usb cable from the package.

In case that the battery is fully discharged, it might take up to 10 minutes until the tablet can be turned on.

It is necessary to press the Power button for 15 seconds to shut down the tablet.

Afterwards you will have to restart it by pressing the Power button.

The tablet can be connected only as a storage device.

An Android Operating System device can be connected with the help of an OTG cable and of an USB cable.

It is recommended to be connected to an internet connection when you are turning on the tablet for the first time, because it is necessary to insert your Microsoft account.

To check the software version of the WI8G tablet, you must slide from left to right in the search menu and you will have to write “msinfo32”.

An external hard drive can be connected via an OTG cable. The hard disk requires self-charging. Make sure that the charger is connected to the socket.

A mouse and a keyboard can be connected or one external device with the help of an OTG cable. Both external devices can be connected with the help of an USB hub.

Yes, you can connect a data stick with the help of an Otg cable.

From the Start Menu ->Click on Desktop and then access the right triangle from the bottom right part (near to the clock), pick the network and then select connect.

You must access Start ->Desktop-> access the right triangle from the bottom right part (near the clock)->Select the icon (it is necessary that the SIM card is inserted in the tablet)->Click on the used carrier->Select Connect (For some carriers it is necessary to insert the  Apn manually Eg:Digi –Apn:”internet” .

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